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We are specialist in embossing work on metal sheet. This work is known as repousse. the term repousse, in the french language, refers to continuous turning of a metal to a desired shape, beating it alternatively from front and behind. It is our occupation to make the images of gods and goddess and to make art works on metal sheet with the help of our traditional tools. This work mostly used in the Temples, Mahabhihars, Gompas and Stupas of Nepal and Tibet. The demand for such metal arts has been increaing in recent years in variours Countries. Image Ateliers is an organization associated with the metal works. This organization however, established in 2002, has rendered its services in Nepal and other countries in the world.

The history of metal works and artifacts of Nepal is believed to be very ancient as the traces far back to 11th century. this art has been practiced by our forefathers and we have been working in this field to make it renowned all over the world. the historic monuments created by our ancestors are scattered throughout and beyound Nepal. the glorious images of Shakyamuni statue at Karmaraj Gompa in Swayambhu is an example of our Grandfather Kuber Singh Shakya's master creation.

Deeply motivated by our past and relizing and rarity and specialty of this genuine occupation, we are determined for the continuation and preservation of this unique profession. At present, apart from that of our own country, we've also worked for clients from Japan, Taiwan, USA, France and Germany.

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